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Risky Co started with ramps and no idea how to hit them on the Australian streets and dirt of Queensland's, Gold Coast.


 April Vaughan "Creator/Owner" has always lived a life of risk and making the most of life by getting out there and living it whether it be Camping, Fishing, Drinking at the Pub, Riding Motorbikes or Skating. 


She has been lucky enough to surround herself with some of the world’s leading action-sport athletes getting her into situations where you can either sit back and watch or.. Live a little.


April has never had the talent needed to complete majority of these antics so half the time she is at the pub drinking some courage.


Risky.Co was created for the girls out there giving life a go and getting out there and actually living it, even if it does involve risk. Don't let the guys have all the fun!


should, Would, Could, DID


Stand out from the crowd Ladies!

So please don't forget to Live A Little.... Risky :)

April Vaughan. Owner of Risky.Co

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